Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Stomach Virus Going Around Nj
is now clear to me how to create every day 1000km. Jam at the Deer Mountain - with lights flashing and Lalu-Lala simply. The GPS usually shows 170 as a peak hour 182km downhill / It says the speedometer already determined beyond the 200th In addition, Max and Moritz their chauffeur driven mobile oven now already 330km from Munich to Cortina.
Max gets on the laces with his stories and constant taunts against Moritz, which he considers gay. Moritz's does not stop, he sits by the window separately in well-ventilated cabin, the white plugs in their ears, and enjoying a fast lane and Martin Horn. Hopefully resolve soon driving off. Moritz babbles so much.

approach after two more times, each time a bottle of Coke instead of fruit (which is actually now available on each service area) and public display of my plaster lump us with three hot, half-full bottles of Coke and a hot leg in the hot KTW Berlin - Kurfürstendamm exit. Love has reserved a place after many phone calls in the ultimate bone flicker hospital, I have TomTom on Maurice's Caspar Theys Street instead of Benjamin Franklin reprogrammed hospital and after 9 hours, my cast and I again unloaded. I've done it - all without pissing duck!
Monday, June 18, 2007
I Dream Of Jeannie Lamps
had a game over here more pleasant thoughts, we again put the chip into the eyes of movie:
In the two and a half days in front of the case, I sailed to nearly 1300 km almost everything that is fun and has curves. Genesio, Penser, Jaufen, emperor street, over to the Garda, the divine Supermoto range from Gargnano to Idrosee, Brocon, Vezzena. Sleet and 1 degree at 19:00 on the Sella. Except there, not to freeze to death, and on the Manghen (polenta with sausage, sometimes another Crambambuli with espresso, is a personal cult) has been suspended on any pass. too many standing around self-catering from the top case. Many coffees and the odd snack were enjoyed in cafes and trattorias in small villages, where no tourists and Beika disturbed.
evening at the hotel was always just had to have the five-course menu, if I do 7:57 for net drops out before this relocation ordered. Will cry the next 5 weeks at each hospital food-prefixing.
Meanwhile, we are already at Kufstein over. The screen above my head shows in big colorful letters "MALTA", the Red Cross Akvavit, time, date and indoor temperature. These swings 34-38 degrees. How was that? High and cool!
break: Max and Moritz have to smoke again, meanwhile, is left by all the doors and pull fresh air into the KTW. Max and Moritz are hungry. Whether they bring me what to do? "Yes, fruit. Dutch and sächselnde Ostrentner pure stare. "Huhu". Ten minutes later I get a bottle of Coke. "Fruit's were non!".
Sunday, June 17, 2007
How To Stroke Dog Penis
pre-loading, after all, they made yet. Let's call it Max, the medic, and Maurice, and Zivi FSJler.
We found ourselves back at the service entrance. Moritz ranked inside the red-yellow VW bus with high roof and "ADAC repatriation" label. It reeked of a broken refrigerator.
I was pushed inside, Max lounging in the armchair companion and down we went. In the first curve of the foot, including plaster fell to the left. Ouch! Max placed the heavy plaster-work of art straight. I had the note in the ears that the leg should be elevated and cool. Max put a soft cushion underneath. OK, 8mm, it was higher now, but the more unstable. A splint to elevating was not on board. And why, "said Max Man had told him it would fetch only a bad foot. Otherwise he would have invited such a thing for granted. He tried to tame the flying around with a plaster ceiling - in vain.
Then he opened the first time a tupperware box and spooned his second breakfast - cauliflower salad. For me was the unpleasant smell of cabbage. The Garmin and telephone were in range. Garmin said that we drive north, probably to about Brixen Bruneck. No relevant passports, but many curves that could bend the leg to the left and right.
Things are looking up. The higher we got, the warmer it got. Max noted that the air conditioner blows out only warm air. So that was the broken refrigerator odor.
View on the GPS: Only 20 km to the Brenner motorway. Look to the ambulance heaven: a bold plan. "That's' ne old cart, shows itself, and air conditioning in the bucket." Max: "No, it has a half years old but already has 577,000 kilometers down.". Oops, how to create 1000km per day? Max falls asleep again, I think the cast, meanwhile convulsively itself.
Tabletop Audio System
Waking resulted because of the postcard at the window again to brief confusion, already running show on TV reminded me again but suddenly at my current location.
After breakfast (only coffee drink - I do not want a bed pan) in the round I learned in passing that today is the day of departure was. Buy Milan ADAC called and told that I will brought by 10. A flight will not, despite more than 1000km. Meanwhile, organized the dearest place in Berlin a hospital.
was 11 I still between the postcard and arrived at the extended family of fingerless adjacent beds. Everyone brought something to eat. As if it were a hospital in the bush without full board. The poor man is the latest burst Wednesday. Would be nice if I am away until then.
was at 11:20 there will be so far. A red and a white-robed rushed in, as would be freed hostages from a rogue state or at least German citizens of the reach of third world medicine men be rescued. I found this site poltrigen impossible. The red-clad was probably the chief, dressed in white and the Zivi FSJler. He was also the more civilized of the two. The red probably liked my blanket embroidered with the names of the Pucci-clinic. Was a slogan like "This is my" just bagged. Collect the he is Deckenkleptomane or funded so the Malteser-Hilfsdienst?
to leave the really nice nurse was no time that pushed threw my belongings into bed next to me, like me in the elevator and away I was. Some country people are just embarrassing.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Ringworm In Kittens B
He has especially a very long Sunday drive through their own home made to take an expert look at the leg and radiographs. He also could talk with the doctor and I also translate subtleties. Willi, the otherwise composed in Merano ski and motorcycle again bone wrinkled, but the end because of the tightly tied leg which actually required for the swelling a lot more space and especially cooling.
He was soooo right, as was shown later. He understandably did not have the heart as a young foreign doctor to the competent Altarzt accuse an error.
also could solve Willi still a logistical problem, he brought the hotel and car keys to 100km over the mountains Steinegg and there the bills.
ADAC called again. It still did not know when and how they could take me to Berlin. And where the bike is ready to remain, do not know you. I confessed that somewhere else would also have a car and one of the Buell, it is found, could easily provide clean there. Then they have only one vehicle to be repatriated.
began the next night. Analgesics and the sound of plates television shows made me sleep relatively well. The plaster is boiling and bubbling. The bone parts in the crash must have added to the muscles and tissues in the leg powerful
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
In the night I had wild brain cinema. have been the fact probably be the painkillers, which dropped steadily from the drip not disinterested. So it went on for the next nights. At least there was no boredom in your sleep.
Sunday. Since it lying around and broods. The best times to analyze the case closely and write down everything, then this will also pondering results.
I could see through the window only the variable postcard. The city was perceptible only acoustically. The typical honking, but also the many sounds of different bikes come penetrated. Bollernde stews, less screaming 4cylinder, which here are almost always Hornets. Touri-bikes are generally inaudible. In between times a V2, mostly Ducatis. Since I've always the same image in mind, how würmeln vertically ascending thick tubes for the Under-Seat damper through the mesh frame.
There! Again such a tonal 998th Come closer. Running obviously many switchbacks. Nope, no Duc. The firing intervals are different, the switching speed is lower. Then it is very close and is turned off. That must be right under my postcard. One last sniff-intake and Poff-extraction - the presumption is confirmed. This can only be a Buell with adequate exhaust system!
Two minutes later, William is in the air. Also, it apparently reached the grapevine. When he came in in Moppedmontur, he was without question the staff immediately sent to my room. What joy!
Pathophysiology Of Uterine Polyps
The day of the event is over. It gets dark about Cortina d'Ampezzo. The first night with a broken leg. Next bed watching shows.
A short telephone call or consolation to the loved ones and again found that a cell phone battery is always running low when it is needed urgently, and no loading facility in the vicinity. In view of the still forthcoming calls, it was: Make it short! The leg hurts like hell
and cooked in front of him. So is
hospital. On the occasion of my birth and then as a five-year-old with a hernia for the last time I've been in the hospital. Except for dental visits were limited medical appointments again picking up prescriptions for malaria prophylaxis and yellow fever vaccination - in Sanitaswesen I'm so absolute greenhorn. That will change in the coming weeks.
Oh, and am now the second time in Cortina. In the first entry I was also constantly outpaced other bikes, whatever else happens very rarely. Why? Between Falzarego and Pocol a not short or light type of Ösiland stood next to his airless LC8 ran and waved me. I think, of course, because I had this tire stoppers. Because there were tubular, however, where the flick does not work, he just jumped on it back and said, "Next station in Cortina. I'm too soft-hearted. A S1-seater would now point lead. Then the guy also had physical contact phobia and would not really hold on to me, so it was a horror. Jelly transport with fear of loss. And the worst: Only when he dismounted, I saw that he had not folded down the rest. Therefore, this Rumgeeiere!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Nh Gay Cruising Spots
had shown clear the rear brake more effective if I had not blocked. But solo rear brakes I've never trained, what occasion would it be for that? I can only - according to the road hold - any time, suddenly bringing the front wheel under braking to wow and I am sure it be beaten on dry roads each ABS brakes, even during emergency braking on a slope ..
But the 6-piston brake caliper had indeed ceased operating entirely - the command from the master piston in the hand pump was not among them.
transmission medium is in my Buell Brake Fluid DOT 5-type, despite the very long change intervals just replaced last year. It is this non-hygroscopic stuff on silicone oil base, the well-Erik dared not so, because later Buell have DOT 4 (DOT 5.1, would, sh. Buell FAQ), can take the water in solution.
Most of those who had met all of the sudden brake failure drove DOT 5 My theory is this: Somehow
can and must be in the air Reservoir reach, because the wear of the pads decreases the level of liquid. Maybe some of the warm humid air passes may also look under the rubber membrane on which condensed to a few H2O molecules in a cold winter night and fell into the brake fluid. DOT 4 or 5.1 Mini assimilate the droplets and for much, much brakes are the water molecules are distributed evenly in the pan liquid. It is only a small part of the original droplets into the caliper.
quite different droplets in the original DOT 5 Here, no connection is made. Water is heavier than the silicone oil, and eventually the tiny collection of H2O molecule sits at the bottom of the stoppers. During braking, when the heat given by the glowing disc of the pads to the piston and tongs, the water against the pressure does not boil. The last Serpentine could still be slow and full of little lever travel. The brake was not soft. But in the 800m to the next braking point cooked the original droplets into the pressurized, the required volume was created by pushing into the reservoir and pumps 10maliges no longer enough to compress the vapor bubbles. By the way, the brake is now back up to 5mm strong resistance
Can Grecian Formula Be Used By Women
sideways and embark into the guard rail was in any Time better than the front, because it protects the fork and the flight was not quite ready. Finally, it went steeply downhill past the guardrail. Previously away when a guard rail threatened would be the stupidest could do what one man. It has been more than a motorcycle driver in simply cut when he was thrown to the plank feet.
cool So, now quickly to lift legs, I was not. On impact was the left leg that is still between plank and frame and was thereby crushed rather, the kinetic energy pulled me at the same time further to the left of the plank, and following a route I dislocated what I perceived consciously, down the steep embankment. It also dusted powerful.
It was probably not very smart of me to immediately begin again with the rise, because in the beginning you feel no pain. Only when the slope scrambling not quite successful, I noticed that the left foot was hanging useless at his pants.
What was now with the photos that someone had shot with my camera and I now I looked at the bedside? One showed two fingers of nice photographers who put the brakes without any effort on the throttle. Evidence of the existence of the typical hot-Buell-Bremse's syndrome, which have already experienced so many. It may take 15 minutes to back pressure can be built.
On the other picture was the visible skid marks, which showed that on a long straight line speed was only reduced (amazing how little retards) and was beaten at the last moment to remain locked in the rear of the hook curve. I was rather proud of myself.