Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lightweight Ironing Boards

The joke of the day

Why are slim bachelors as married men? The Bachelor comes home at night, looks in the fridge, there's nothing in it and goes to the Ordinary Bett.Der husband comes home at night, looks in the bed, there is not an ordinary in it and goes to the fridge

Friday, October 23, 2009

Image Propaganda Card Stucking Image

Quote of the Day by Gabiz Reichert

Even the scent of a Furze leave to the French classes smell pleasant.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where To Order Birthday Candle Sparklers

Longer pause ended

Half a year has now been since I wrote the last time. It was so much going on in this time that I hardly found time to write. But now the break is again pushed to the side and I will write new articles for you n. Write me suggestions and ideas of what you would like to read. Kind regards Mike

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pinewood Derby Car Tech Deck


The Hate subject number one in Switzerland. Do not want to learn it and in my opinion it makes no sense. Just because a part of Switzerland speaks French, that does not mean that it can all have. And certainly not if the French-speaking Swiss master a word of German. A mess. Rather more and more targeted learning English, so you get further in life with this motto we follow day by day in our French lessons:!)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tundera Ski Doo For Sale In Ontario

Spring? or still winter?

Once it is cold then again beautiful Weather. Spring does not really know yet whether he will come now or not. In my opinion he could finally do something forward. Skiing is for me this year to an end and I really just waiting on the good days to finally return to sailing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Online Games That Are Like Poptropica Online

Finally, it is even warmer, but it's raining, but you sure do not get frost bite more quickly if you take goes to the mailbox. Two more weeks and then again holidays. The time flies by and before we are provided to us is already dawned in 2010. But this year there is more to do. In the spring I will attempt the test sail. And professionally will change a lot with me. In September, then pending the driving test. in 253 days and, more specifically, on 3 October, I will be back again in Croatia and 7 days to enjoy sun and sea on a sailing boat . Oh yes, the 2009 has much to offer. I'm curious what I will have achieved everything after this year.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Supplementary Angles On The Road

Anyone who wants to go
anderst eat, who goes simply mirage in Winterthur. Fine food, belly dancing and much fun to expect.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mudroom Locker Construction Plans

mirage ... a year ago ....

one years have passed ....
one years have passed .... And another year is over. The time goes by we have Fluge.Weihnachten hinteruns brought, as New Year's Eve and New Year. Today, on January 5, this block is a year old. A year where I was able to report in 89 articles of my daily life and attended a year at the 3500 visitor to my daily life. It is always a strange feeling to keep the old articles and reports in mind and again to look at. Memories come back hoch.Im January, when the performances we our musicals had, in the spring when my grandfather died in May, we had our big handball tournament in June was the long awaited European Championship in Switzerland, in August in Winterthur was the wide-screen concert and we had the conversion at our school in September was my birthday, I sat with my tattoo is a sign for life, I had a wonderful time sailing in Croatia at the p0nz and had his big appearance at the open air and in December was the volleyball night, the party first grade and continuing in Schiers. I experienced so much in just one year and make. It was a year of lows and highs. I'm glad I was able to experience this year and am curious what the next year so with the brings. I hope it to you on any event which brings good and I wish you a very nice 2009.