Lundi, le premier jour: On s'est trouvé
a sept heures et quart au Winterthur railway station. D'abord on est allé avec monsieur Bürgi a Zurich où we met Mrs. Beilstein. And then we went to Neuchatel without having to change trains. In the train the teachers gave us tapes to record the interviews we had to do. At the station we could give our luggage or people from the hostel.
In pairs we left. Here is the story of Mike and interview Philip
We left all three groups. But we did not find the path to the lake. Therefore, we quickly descended through several private gardens. At the lake, we went to drink coffee in the coffee friends. " It was found because there was a white arrow floor. Labat we started to give us ideas of how we could do the interviews. When the coffee was finished we are still going to see the ice hockey stadium. After paying we went in search of people to interview. First was interviewed a few people at the lake and in college. In half an hour we had 5 interviews. Happy with our work we started to walk toward the station, where we devaitHPIM0039.jpg ">

arrived at the station we went to McDonalds to buy us something to eat. Then we found the others at the station. We have new eaten (this time all together) and we got our sheets with questions and instructions pure route we would do this afternoon. The route took us from the church to the famous "Rock of the Hermitage." It was very hard and nobody has been able to finish the course. The trail ended at the castles.
Labat was found the new class. All were already there and looked very tired. But everyone still had enough energy to do a guided tour through the castle. The castle was relatively modern our disappointment because we expected something more medieval. But we were still satisfied with the visit. After the tour we had thirty minutes to return to the station. It has walked a can and came to the station with the gondola. We left together in a train to a bus Bevaix where our hostel picked us up. The bus brought us to the oak grove where we received our luggage na. After taking possession of places we went to eat tortellini. With full bellies we went back to room. We still talked a lot and watched movies and has one point in peacefully fell asleep.
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