passes it to the jacket, only a construction site: the roving is spun since last night until the last Fitzelchen and twisted. The last Stang

just dried in the sun and then it goes to the sleeve. Overall, I'm
verspindelt 681 g Süddeutsche tops and the running length of the twisted yarn is about 460m/100g Size.
And the continued knitting I am so happy, even if it is just plain right. The wool knits that is really great ... I would prefer to have the next portion in the paint pot * throw * laughing ....
PS: Now I had to look up times but even when I started spinning this: that the bill is for the tops of 25 October 2010; factored in dyeing and drying time, I probably sometime in November began with the spindles (and incidentally a thing or crocheted).
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