Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tabletop Audio System

The case: The case

Waking resulted because of the postcard at the window again to brief confusion, already running show on TV reminded me again but suddenly at my current location.

After breakfast (only coffee drink - I do not want a bed pan) in the round I learned in passing that today is the day of departure was. Buy Milan ADAC called and told that I will brought by 10. A flight will not, despite more than 1000km. Meanwhile, organized the dearest place in Berlin a hospital.

was 11 I still between the postcard and arrived at the extended family of fingerless adjacent beds. Everyone brought something to eat. As if it were a hospital in the bush without full board. The poor man is the latest burst Wednesday. Would be nice if I am away until then.

was at 11:20 there will be so far. A red and a white-robed rushed in, as would be freed hostages from a rogue state or at least German citizens of the reach of third world medicine men be rescued. I found this site poltrigen impossible. The red-clad was probably the chief, dressed in white and the Zivi FSJler. He was also the more civilized of the two. The red probably liked my blanket embroidered with the names of the Pucci-clinic. Was a slogan like "This is my" just bagged. Collect the he is Deckenkleptomane or funded so the Malteser-Hilfsdienst?

to leave the really nice nurse was no time that pushed threw my belongings into bed next to me, like me in the elevator and away I was. Some country people are just embarrassing.


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